South Africa men’s cricket national team assistant coach, Enoch Nkwe, is an individual beloved by many because of his outlook and approach to both the sport and the team. Empathetic and attentive, it is easy to see why he has achieved such a significant number of milestones in a relatively young coaching career. Forced to stop playing professional cricket very early into a promising career, Enoch looks destined for greater accomplishments in the future.

On leadership: “True leadership is not about authority, it’s about developing people and helping them reach their full potential.”

On culture: “Consistency is key. Once there is consistency, everybody starts to believe and see the benefits of it. The benefits shouldn’t be centred around the results of the culture, it should just be about living the culture.”

On dressing-room environment: “My duty as a coach is to create an environment where my team members have the courage to be themselves.”

On the team: “I have always been a team person. I have always wanted the team to do well. Everything is centred around the team for me.”

To read more on Enoch Nkwe, check out this brief profile of him on