Socially we've become incredibly accepting and understanding of individuals that quit and giving second, third, even fourth chances to welcome them back.

This episode examines a few of the beliefs as to why we quit, when it's ok to quit, when it's not ok to quit and what we can do to prevent quitting or, in a specific case, prevent a divorce.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: How often do you change direction versus quit? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for links and show notes…
Selected Links from the Episode

Job Hopping Is the 'New Normal' for Millennials: Three Ways to Prevent a Human Resource Nightmare by Jeanne Meister
5 Ways To Avoid Divorce by Delia Lloyd
How To Quit Being A Quitter by Next Avenue
5 Valid Reasons to Be a Quitter by Joanne Clark
90% of businesses fail by Neil Patel
Number of times Donald Trump has been bankrupt
Anna Nicole Smith's Husband and the story for his estate
Learning how to be a better listener
Becoming a beter responder

Show Notes

Why do we quit? [02:13]
An alternative to quitting is by changing direction  [02:49]
Quitting versus changing direction [03:06]
Quitting is completely cutting off ties [03:13]
Changing directions is not necessarily quitting, but rather pivoting and continuing towards the main goal or purpose [03:34]
Quitting your company, but staying in the say field is simply changing direction, not actually quitting [04:27]
Having a millennium outlook on change of employment [05:13]
It's easier to just start over again [06:45]
We're not comfortable so it's just easier to start all over again [09:04]
Learning to be comfortable when we're not comfortable [09:12]
Sport video games and the restart button [09:19]
Rather have everything perfect than to have something setup less than ideal [12:19]
We are socially accepting of people that quit and  [12:41]
We are mesmerized by people that persevere [12:51]
Society loves giving second, third and fourth chances -- We love the underdog [12:58]
The story of an individual who was a train-wreck and given a second chance despite the obvious screwup [13:18]
There's a perception that it's in your favor to be a screw up and then building yourself back up  [16:59]
When is it ok to quit? [19:01]
Quitting is a four-letter word [19:31]
It is ok to quit when it is detrimental to your family and personal wellbeing [19:41]
Some things we wish we could quit and other things we quit too easily [20:00]
You do not have to do everything alone [20:45]
When is it not ok to quit? [21:08]
Divorce is not ok [21:38]
The amazing unique story of Jesse's grandparents and their relationship [22:04]
The story of Jesse's grandparents and their relationship staying together every day for over 50 years [22:04]
Jesse's parents, how they met and their unique story of taking the ring back and still getting married and together for over 34 years [26:26]
Not everything is perfect, not everything is rosy, but you can make it work by being committed to each other [28:57]
Divorce seems as common as going to Starbucks [29:42]
Divorce almost feels like an expected [29:59]
The Prenup [30:14]
Marriage should be about love [31:08]
Anna Nicole Smith and her marriage to her rich elderly husband [31:15]
The individuals that end up getting in divorce, Jesse asks the question, "What did you get married?" [32:00]
No one says you have to get married [32:27]
Interesting outside thoughts and opinions on divorce and quitting [33:21]
Challenge the social and societal pressures when it comes to divorce and quitting [34:32]
You do you [34:38]
A caveat to You do you is take your god damn time. [34:56]
You need to test and vet everything [35:07]
Get beyond the lust part of your relationship [36:42]
Experience some tough times with your relationship before making it permanent [36:59]

Socially we’ve become incredibly accepting and understanding of individuals that quit and giving second, third, even fourth chances to welcome them back.

This episode examines a few of the beliefs as to why we quit, when it’s ok to quit, when it’s not ok to quit and what we can do to prevent quitting or, in a specific case, prevent a divorce.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: How often do you change direction versus quit? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for links and show notes…

Selected Links from the Episode

Job Hopping Is the ‘New Normal’ for Millennials: Three Ways to Prevent a Human Resource Nightmare by Jeanne Meister
5 Ways To Avoid Divorce by Delia Lloyd
How To Quit Being A Quitter by Next Avenue
5 Valid Reasons to Be a Quitter by Joanne Clark
90% of businesses fail by Neil Patel
Number of times Donald Trump has been bankrupt
Anna Nicole Smith’s Husband and the story for his estate
Learning how to be a better listener
Becoming a beter responder

Show Notes

Why do we quit? [02:13]
An alternative to quitting is by changing direction  [02:49]
Quitting versus changing direction [03:06]
Quitting is completely cutting off ties [03:13]
Changing directions is not necessarily quitting, but rather pivoting and continuing towards the main goal or purpose [03:34]
Quitting your company, but staying in the say field is simply changing direction, not actually quitting [04:27]
Having a millennium outlook on change of employment [05:13]
It’s easier to just start over again [06:45]
We’re not comfortable so it’s just easier to start all over again [09:04]
Learning to be comfortable when we’re not comfortable [09:12]
Sport video games and the restart button [09:19]
Rather have everything perfect than to have something setup less than ideal [12:19]
We are socially accepting of people that quit and  [12:41]
We are mesmerized by people that persevere [12:51]
Society loves giving second, third and fourth chances — We love the underdog [12:58]
The story of an individual who was a train-wreck and given a second chance despite the obvious screwup [13:18]
There’s a perception that it’s in your favor to be a screw up and then building yourself back up  [16:59]
When is it ok to quit? [19:01]
Quitting is a four-letter word [19:31]
It is ok to quit when it is detrimental to your family and personal wellbeing [19:41]
Some things we wish we could quit and other things we quit too easily [20:00]
You do not have to do everything alone [20:45]
When is it not ok to quit? [21:08]
Divorce is not ok [21:38]
The amazing unique story of Jesse’s grandparents and their relationship [22:04]
The story of Jesse’s grandparents and their relationship staying together every day for over 50 years [22:04]
Jesse’s parents, how they met and their unique story of taking the ring back and still getting married and together for over 34 years [26:26]
Not everything is perfect, not everything is rosy, but you can make it work by being committed to each other [28:57]
Divorce seems as common as going to Starbucks [29:42]
Divorce almost feels like an expected [29:59]
The Prenup [30:14]
Marriage should be about love [31:08]
Anna Nicole Smith and her marriage to her rich elderly husband [31:15]
The individuals that end up getting in divorce, Jesse asks the question, “What did you get married?” [32:00]
No one says you have to get married [32:27]
Interesting outside thoughts and opinions on divorce and quitting [33:21]
Challenge the social and societal pressures when it comes to divorce and quitting [34:32]
You do you [34:38]
A caveat to You do you is take your god damn time. [34:56]
You need to test and vet everything [35:07]
Get beyond the lust part of your relationship [36:42]
Experience some tough times with your relationship before making it permanent [36:59]
There’s always exceptions to the rules [38:58]
You need to learn to communicate both listening and talking [40:32]
If you talk more than you listen, you’re talking too much [41:37]
God gave you two ears and only one mouth [41:51]
The sooner that you can talk about something, and get it off your chest, the less venom there will be [42:57]
Get your emotions out, get beyond the emotions and then get to the point you’re trying to get to [43:41]
Get your emotions out, get beyond the emotions and then get to the point you’re trying to get to [43:41]

People Mentioned

Fran Liebman
Jeanne Meister
Neil Patel
Donald Trump
Erik Weiss
Anna Nicole Smith
Delia Lloyd
Next Avenue
Joanne Clark

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