NFTs have become ubiquitous over the last six months, with everyone from Snoop Dogg to Gary Vaynerchuck extolling their virtues. As 'the next big thing', marketers have more than a passing interest. And yet most are struggling to get their heads around the implications of NFTs, cryptocurrency, web3 and the metaverse.
From a marketing communications perspective, opinions vary from those who believe NFTs are the start of a societal shift to those who believe it's all over-hyped rubbish. And with so many different views and predictions and even explanations out there, cutting through the noise is an extremely tough task.
On today's Digital Download, I discuss and debate NFTs and the future of the internet with senior communications consultants Stephen Waddington and Scott Guthrie as we seek to find answers to some of our questions, from basic definitions and explanations to potential impacts.
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