The Chartered Institute of Public Relations was founded in 1948 and currently has around 10,000 members. In common with most organisations, the CIPR has had to adapt rapidly to minimise the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is being looked to for guidance by the rest of the industry.
The last three Digital Download shows have explored what the future holds for the communications industry from the perspectives of agency leaders on both sides of the Atlantic, and highlight that big changes are occurring. This episode looks at these changes from the perspective of the UK's major trade body, how CIPR members have evolved and the confidence issues inherent in public relations practitioners, and at how PR can impact strategy at different levels of an organisation.
My special guest on this show is Jenni Field, President of the CIPR and founder of Redefining Communications. Jenni took over as CIPR President in January and has the unenviable job of guiding the organisation through one of the toughest years in its history.
What to do Next

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