Not all of the numbers are in, but enough are to discuss the returns of 2018. Of course a single year is not indicative of much, but it is often a test of our commitment to Buy-and-Hold.

In this podcast, Paul reviews the numbers for his favorite equity asset classes (big, small, value, growth, …

Not all of the numbers are in, but enough are to discuss the returns of 2018. Of course a single year is not indicative of much, but it is often a test of our commitment to Buy-and-Hold.

In this podcast, Paul reviews the numbers for his favorite equity asset classes (big, small, value, growth, REITs, U.S. and international), as well the government, corporate, high grade and high yield bond funds. The comparison of ETFs and mutual funds didn’t create any new revelations but they are numbers a lot of investors want to know.

Paul ended the year with a couple of private meetings with old friends and can’t help but talk about the investor who wants to take all of his money out of the market "for a few months." As always, Paul makes his point for staying the course.