In this PODCAST I want to give anyone with an interest in the fields or Media, Marketing and Advertising the chance to get a practical up to the minute guide to making sense of this fast changing landscape in 2020, and give you some of the insights and approaches that can give you that all important edge.

In my 2007 book “NEXT. An Armchair Guide to Your Future”. (Available globally via Amazon books and other better sellers) I laid out just as it says on the front cover “My definitive guide on what to expect from the next 20 years. The key changes in business, technology and in life”.

So it’s 2020 not quite 20 years from when I published my book, but let’s look at what I said about media. In NEXT I gave my explanation as to how how Media was changing in the online era, I called it the FIVE EYES. I wrapped my explanation as a catchy mnemonic ‘elevator summary’ of the way people’s interaction with media was about to be changed forever.

EYE Won’t wait, EYE Won’t watch. EYE Won’t pay, EYE Wan’t to he heard and 
 EYE Want to create !

And looking at today’s world in 2020 comparing my 2007 predictions, I am 100% confident in saying that I pretty much got it right, as it summed up just about every possible way that people’s interactions with media in the digital age have changed since. 

So if that was my take in 2007, how am I seeing things in 2020 you may ask.


Well to start with, I think it helpful to look at the forces of change that have happened.

The advertising and marketing industry has been turned inside out through a successive series’ of revolutions, since the Digital revolution. Each one compounding on the effects of the previous.

First it was the World wide web

The connected device

Then it was Search

Mobile phone apps

Ubiquitous social media broadcasting and publishing channels accessible, 27/7 by anyone with a connected device

Media publishing and broadcasting being democratised, as individuals and brands are now publishers and broadcasters

These days the only true sustainable competitive advantage is the ability to learn faster than everybody else. 

What is your daily commitment to a learning regime like ? If you don’t have one, I can assure you that you have already lost the war.

Listen in and hear my full run down on all the secrets that you need to get your head around to be successful in 2020 and beyond.