10 Reminders if you’re having to carry on working from home and you don’t like it. Schedule your working day. BANJO – bang a nasty job off – first. Chunk your activities. Close the door, remove distractions. Turn off the TV or BBC website for news updates Deal with personal emails and issues later Chunk tasks to last 45 minutes Continue Reading

10 Reminders if you’re having to carry on working from home and you don’t like it.

Schedule your working day.
BANJO – bang a nasty job off – first. Chunk your activities.
Close the door, remove distractions.
Turn off the TV or BBC website for news updates
Deal with personal emails and issues later
Chunk tasks to last 45 minutes or so – that includes meetings
Don’t book back to back video meetings – space them out
Alternate passive and active tasks to add variety
Have your lunch outside or elsewhere
Clear your desk overnight and write your “to do “ list the night before.