If you’ve ever travelled long-haul on a plane and were condemned to an economy seat in the middle of a row of 4 spaces, you know how uncomfortable this can be. The longer the haul, the worse it is. I once flew 8 hours like that. Cramped, knees hurting, no sleep, battling the arm-rest with your neighbour, people crawling over Continue Reading

If you’ve ever travelled long-haul on a plane and were condemned to an economy seat in the middle of a row of 4 spaces, you know how uncomfortable this can be. The longer the haul, the worse it is. I once flew 8 hours like that.

Cramped, knees hurting, no sleep, battling the arm-rest with your neighbour, people crawling over you to go to the loo when you’re asleep. The list goes on, and as a result, you quickly feel fatigued.

This has occurred with many people using Zoom in the last year. Back to back Zoom meetings with little time to relax or change the scenery, awful camera images of your meeting colleagues, so you have to squint to see them. Bad lighting and substandard sound, so you strain to hear their tinny voices. Too many people crammed onto a small laptop screen, which gives you headaches, and some people do not even bother to turn on their webcam.

No wonder people feel Zoom fatigued so quickly; there’s no surprise.

The answer is to fly Business Class if you do long haul flights, but not everyone can spend the money to do so, but businesses can. Suppose you want to encourage your teams to use Zoom and Teams more to conduct online meetings. In that case, you’ll need to upgrade their kit, teach them how to come across on Zoom properly and improve the experience for everyone.

If you want people in your offices, ask IT to enable sound cards and provide a good headset encompassing earphones and a microphone. If you can afford it, buy them the noise suppressing headsets. Add a respectable webcam, and maybe a USB powered ring light behind the webcam, and you’re good to go.

Cost – around £200 – and this is tax-deductible too. Don’t skimp. It’s much cheaper than having to rent or house a meeting room.

That’s how you prevent Zoom Fatigue.