I present on camera every day. Admittedly I have a decent set of cameras, excellent lighting and a novel background, but I struggle with what to wear. This is where my partner Shelley comes in. She chooses shirts and tops for me (the bottom part doesn’t matter on Zoom), and we order most of the items from online stores. Naturally, Continue Reading

I present on camera every day. Admittedly I have a decent set of cameras, excellent lighting and a novel background, but I struggle with what to wear.

This is where my partner Shelley comes in. She chooses shirts and tops for me (the bottom part doesn’t matter on Zoom), and we order most of the items from online stores.

Naturally, she keeps away from stripes and polka dots which cause havoc with the lens but chooses some pleasant items.

Then she spends an excessive amount of time changing the look. She styles me. Accessories such as wristbands and bracelets, top button undone, or sleeves rolled up slightly.

This is important because the shirt was OK but a little generic; it needed stylising.

In the same way, when you do consume learning, development and sales ideas, you’re picking up generic tips, techniques and concepts. So before you apply them to your world, make sure you style them. Tailor the approach, adapt it, change it to suit. That way, you’ll be able to perform congruently with the person you are, not as a textbook machine.

And they said dressing for Zoom is more straightforward than dressing for the office. Think again.