6 Inner Game Changes to Improve Your Advisory Performance Help yourself to “buy into” sales development. This is harder than you might think. Some newly-qualified mortgage advisers believe because they are qualified, then clients have a duty to accept their advice. This is completely untrue. Encourage yourself to follow some Key Performance Indicators of your own towards advising. How many Continue Reading

6 Inner Game Changes to Improve Your Advisory Performance

Help yourself to “buy into” sales development. This is harder than you might think. Some newly-qualified mortgage advisers believe because they are qualified, then clients have a duty to accept their advice. This is completely untrue.
Encourage yourself to follow some Key Performance Indicators of your own towards advising. How many clients can you talk to, how many to factfind, how many of them buy your advice is a great ratio.
Help yourself to believe in “selling” as well as advising. They are different. Selling is helping clients want things; advising is eliciting needs and showing solutions to these needs. People buy when they want something, not when they just need it.
Have things to aim towards. We used to call them targets, but we’re not allowed to anymore. Everyone needs something to aim towards. How do you monitor your success?
Never stop filling your sales pipeline. You’ll have very busy periods which you’ll just love. You’ll naturally stop prospecting when you’re busy. This is very dangerous because when you stop being busy, you’ll have few new clients to talk to. Learn to always want to prospect for new business, and when you do, master the difference between marketing and selling your services – know when one segways into the other.
Help yourself to become “coachable”. Allow yourself to take the cool-aid of training and coaching to continuously develop your sales skills, not just technical aspects of your role.

Mortgage advising success is often quoted to be 95% psychological; the remaining 5% is in the head.