Do you have an abundance mindset, a belief in the feast? This is where you believe wholeheartedly in what you do and the immense value to clients. You offer a superior service, you do a great job and you truly are an expert in your field. This self-confidence comes with time, don’t wait to receive validation from external sources or Continue Reading

Do you have an abundance mindset, a belief in the feast? This is where you believe wholeheartedly in what you do and the immense value to clients. You offer a superior service, you do a great job and you truly are an expert in your field. This self-confidence comes with time, don’t wait to receive validation from external sources or feedback…you are valid.

The acid test is this. If you were in the market for the professional service that you provide,  you would buy from you, wouldn’t you?

My research and work in professional services fires up the following beliefs that support an abundance mindset:

I’m responsible for the outcomes of my role
I’m good at solving client problems and issues
I feel good about myself and my abilities
I have rugged self-esteem
I’m an expert in my niche
I’m clear on the value that I bring to the table
I want to build my clients' businesses and be regarded as a trusted partner
I’m here to build long-term relationships with clients
I know I can add value to clients
I know what I want
Even if I don’t make any sales, I’ll feel good about my performance
Change is good
I compare very favourably with other professional services people
I am confident in what I do
I believe in the bigger picture rather than the detail
Stepping outside my comfort zone is scary but vital for my self-development
I am capable of keeping abreast of all industry problems and challenges
I believe in sometimes asking really tough questions and enjoying the silence
Everything I do adds value to clients
I wholeheartedly believe that to grow my business, I can achieve this exclusively with a proactive referral management system

The last belief is the cornerstone to being successful with referrals. If you feel you want and need to adopt this belief and own it, then here’s a little bit of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to help. It’s about questioning away from the belief first.