Well, we recorded this pretty soon after the last episode…so at least there’s that… Hey, it’s the return of the kid segments! Things get a little weird…and we try out this neat lil search engine. Ever heard of it?!?

Our vintage ad this week is for the Light Boy GAME KEEPER! No more need to carry your Gameboy games around in your mouth like a beast!

The musical selection selection this week is “Hand Sanitizer.” I dare you to not sing this the next time you’re scrubbing up! You can stream and download all our musical selections at https://soundcloud.com/paudeville

Our recommends this week are Shoott and Fate and the Fablemaidens</>. Check ‘em out!

Paudeville is a proud member of the Podicon Go network of family-friendly podcasts. See all the other fine shows at https://www.podicongo.com/.

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