The CLNS Media Patriots Roundtable is back for another week with Nick Quaglia, Marv Ezhan and Mike Molyneaux after a tough loss to the Kansas City Chiefs. 
The biggest story of the week... The refs. While the Patriots didn't play great, the refs seemed to have played a hand in what would be a one-score final. With some insanely horrific calls, and no calls, made by the officials, it truly affected the outcome. But regardless, Tom Brady and the Pats had their chances. Was Sunday's loss more on the Pats or the refs?
Regardless of if you think the refs were the main cause of the Patriots loss, there's one thing we can all agree on. The Patriots offense needs some serious, serious help. Are the issues we're seeing on this Brady led offense fixable? 
And finally, with the way the team's looked, let's ask this question. If the playoffs started today, how would you feel about Bill Belichick's team in the first round? Would they make it back to the AFC Championship? Or would they get washed out in the first round? 
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The CLNS Media Patriots Roundtable is back for another week with Nick Quaglia, Marv Ezhan and Mike Molyneaux after a tough loss to the Kansas City Chiefs. 

The biggest story of the week... The refs. While the Patriots didn't play great, the refs seemed to have played a hand in what would be a one-score final. With some insanely horrific calls, and no calls, made by the officials, it truly affected the outcome. But regardless, Tom Brady and the Pats had their chances. Was Sunday's loss more on the Pats or the refs?

Regardless of if you think the refs were the main cause of the Patriots loss, there's one thing we can all agree on. The Patriots offense needs some serious, serious help. Are the issues we're seeing on this Brady led offense fixable? 

And finally, with the way the team's looked, let's ask this question. If the playoffs started today, how would you feel about Bill Belichick's team in the first round? Would they make it back to the AFC Championship? Or would they get washed out in the first round? 

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