We have a problem within the church in America… far too many pastors lack a backbone. During this episode of Patriot Squad, Pastor Ken Peters and his wife, Valencia, share several news stories that exemplify exactly why need pastors with a spine, as our society is pushing churches to decide whether they’re going to submit to God or the State.

Despite what the Left is constantly claiming, America is a Christian Nation. Our Founding Fathers established this country under the belief that God is God, and we are created in His image. It’s written into our founding documents. America is the only nation in the history of the world that focused on devaluing the role of the government, while propping up the value of the individual. 

Unfortunately, we are living in a warped version of the United States of America today and find ourselves surrounded by an atheistic and anti-God culture. The entire Democrat platform is rooted in hatred for God and His morality, which also devalues human life. We see this in their promotion of abortion, group think, intersectionality and socialism.

In today’s day-and-age, there’s a lot of pressure for pastors to compromise. We see this with the COVID-19 lockdowns, the push to condemn Christian Trump supporters and the peer pressure to join in with the Leftist ideology. We’ve seen this exemplified with The Gospel Coalition, the Southern Baptist Convention and a bunch of the celebrity pastors such as Beth Moore, JD Greear and Dr Russell Moore.

We’ve seen the church embrace ungodly teachings like Critical Race Theory, wealth redistribution and a borderless society. Many of these same “preachers” were widely considered Conservative Evangelicals just a few short years ago. However, due to outside pressure from the Mainstream Media, Politicians and wealthy individuals, they’ve compromised in order to be accepted within the mainstream.

We need more godly pastors to grow a spine and preach the truth in a dark and fallen world. If the state comes after your church for holding services, do not back down. If they demand your choir wears three face masks, do not comply. If they tell you to stop preaching about politics in church or else they’ll take away your non-profit status, do it anyway. Never forget that you answer to God, not man.

As Christians who love this country because of the freedoms that it affords, let’s begin to separate out the pastors that have a spine vs the ones who do not. If your pastor backs down to pressure from the government, it’s time to lovingly confront them and ask them to repent, or else it’s time to find a new church. If your favorite celebrity pastor calls on the church to submit to unbiblical tyranny, it’s time to stop buying their books and supporting their ministry.

It’s do or die time for our country. If we are going to save it, it’s going to be through the saving grace of Christ. It’s going to take faithful men and women within the Church to rise up without compromise and boldly declare the truth, calling on our nation to repent and turn back to God. That’s what the Patriot Squad is all about.

Big Tech censorship has been expanding beyond just Conservatives… Christians are next!

While many of us have been warning about the coming persecution of Christians, I don’t think any of us thought that it would be ramping up so quickly. While we are luckily not facing physical persecution yet, such as beatings or death, we are facing censorship, deplatforming and even jail time in some instances. These are just the birth pangs of what is coming next.          

While we still have a voice here at The GateKeepers, we are doing everything that we can to bypass the algorithmic walls put up by Big Tech and the Social Media companies like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Our videos used to get thousands of views across all of our platforms, while now they are being throttled and hardly getting distributed at all. An added wrinkle is that, while our video content is seeing lower views, traffic to our website has never been higher. Over the past year we’ve seen a 700% increase in traffic, and it’s been amazing to experience this kind of growth. Because of this, we’ll be launching GKTV very soon, hosting all of our shows exclusively on our platform.     


While The GateKeepers started out as nothing more than a blog for me to post my articles relating to concerns within Christianity, it has now expanded into a full-fledged Christian podcast network featuring fifteen shows, a publishing company that has published three books over the past year and we are now hosting conferences on a regular basis. We’ve seen the addition of contributors to The GateKeepers such as Denise McAllister, Pastor Cary Gordon, Pastor Ken Peters, Dr Mike Spaulding, Dr Bobby Lopez and many other amazing Christian leaders. Our lineup of shows has expanded, as well, featuring shows such as The Shining Light Podcast, Conversations with Jeff, The Big Brown Gadfly, Battlefront: SouthGate and The Verum Monitae Report with Dr Mike Spaulding, in addition the the several other shows we also carry on The GateKeepers. 


Everything that we do is for the purpose of expanding Biblical Christianity through the preaching of the Gospel, the exposition of God's Word and confronting error where it pops its ugly head within the Church. We are mission-focused first, and then we use technology, books, resources and events to accomplish and further the Gospel and Biblical theology.          

While we’ve seen some amazing growth and expansion, we are also working hard to make this be a long-term play, and with that comes with how to fund our work here. I’ve intentionally not turned The GateKeepers into a non-profit organization because I don’t want to become beholden to the government, and I also don’t want to be focused on sending out fundraising letters constantly begging for money like most non-profit ministries do.    


Instead, we have our online book store, are hosting online conferences and have our Plugged In membership program. Right now we are funded exclusively through these three different avenues. We are especially excited about our Plugged In membership, as this brings so much added value to you as a thank you for supporting our work here at The GateKeepers.  


Becoming a Plugged In member provides access to the weekly episode of The GateKeepers Podcast, the monthly episode of Connected, free access to all of our online conferences, the recordings from previous online conferences and 30% off in The GK Store. If you would like to support us by becoming a Plugged In member, click here.

However, we’ve also been getting a lot of requests from supporters asking how they can donate to help support The GateKeepers. We are extremely grateful for these requests, as this will help us to expand even further and provide more quality Biblical content. If you would like to help support to The GateKeepers, you can donate through PayPal here.

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