This week we began our study of Christ’s prophecies contained in the “little apocalypse,” also known as the Olivet Discourse. An account of this discourse is included in the three synoptic gospels. Synoptic is derived from the Greek meaning “same eye,” indicating that the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke recall the life of Christ […]

This week we began our study of Christ’s prophecies contained in the “little apocalypse,” also known as the Olivet Discourse. An account of this discourse is included in the three synoptic gospels. Synoptic is derived from the Greek meaning “same eye,” indicating that the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke recall the life of Christ from a similar perspective. All three tell a very similar account of the Olivet Discourse. Only John’s gospel does not include the little apocalypse, because St. John wrote the “major apocalypse.” Instead of devoting a single chapter to the subject, St. John wrote an entire book.
