This was the context to my Yanny VS Lauren post. There's nothing really special about it, except for the fact that I hopped on a trending topic, and used trending hashtags. The results were what was interesting.


This is pretty interesting. Remember that whole “what color dress is this”, thing? Well. Now we have another one, and this time I can explain it.

When people hear his audio, some hear the name “Yanny”, and others hear the name “Laurel”. #yannyorlaurel #laureloryanny

Being a sound guy, I knew I could figure out what’s going on.

Here it is
1: An audio clip of the word “Yanny” and “Laurel” are playing at the same time. Yanny at high frequency, Laurel at a lower frequency.
2: Depending on the quality of your speakers, it may not pick up the lower frequencies.
3: Depending on your ears sensitivity to frequencies, you may only hear one or other even with good speakers.

I cut the Lowe frequencies out in the video to where you hear “Yanny” more clearly, and the. Cut the high frequencies out, where you hear “Laurel” more easily.

An interesting thing is, a friend of mine only heard static when I cut the low frequencies out. She couldn’t hear “Yanny”.

Just like color vision, we all hear frequencies slightly differently. Some may not have the ability to hear certain high or low frequencies, based off age, exposure to loud noise over periods of time (causes hearing damage), or just genetics I’m sure. I’m no rocket genius when it comes to that.

An interesting thing that popped up, and I thought I’d throw my 2¢ at it. Since I’m in the world of audio.

#audio #recoding #video #yanny #laurel #whatdoyouhear #hearing #experiment #instagood


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