One of the challenging parts about being a leader is having the tough conversations. If you’re a business owner, a manager, or some sort of team leader, having those tough conversations is part of the role. I want to share a couple of quick tips you can use when situations come up, that require the tough conversations.


1: Do not react to your first reaction. What I mean by this is to not act hastily, take a moment to sit back and reflect on the situation. You do want to address things in a timely manner, but you also want to remain professional, and fully informed. Sometimes you may miss some information in the moment of receiving the complaint, or the observation, or seeing or hearing something. Take a quick moment to breathe, and assess the situation, and then, we get to #2


2: Listen. It’s important to hear out the person. You may have a tendency to already have your mind made up about the outcome, and you forget to listen to what they have to say. It is very possible that they will just make excuses, or try to BS their way out of it, but it’s still important to listen. You really don’t know how they will react, maybe they fill confess and admit they messed up, or maybe they will blame someone else, whatever it is, listening will help you deliver the well thought out, outcome in a professional way. Don’t let someone else drag your good name and image into the ground, by letting them get you worked up to where you say or do something that makes you look bad.


Those are my 2 biggest tips. Don’t react to your first reaction, and listen.


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