Even when you do not feel like it, still do it. You may not feel like writing that blog. You may not feel like making that podcast. You may not feel like calling that client. Do it anyway.

You will feel so much better finishing that task for the day. Don’t put it off for tomorrow, when you know you need to do it today.

To be honest, I didn’t want to do a flash briefing. It’s Friday night, I had a long day at work, then a long evening working on some editing projects. I’m tired. Plus, it is difficult to come up with content every single day. By pushing through though, I’m able to finish the last task of my night.

By pushing through those mental barriers that tell you to just quit, to cut it short, to stop while you’re ahead, to take it easy, to not take that last phone call, to not help that last client, to not create that last piece of content for the night, by pushing through you push out that weakness. You push through that average thinking, because you know you that you can’t stand out if you’re just standing in the crowd. 

That last client, that last phone call, that last piece of content, could be the one thing that causes you to stand out, and catapult you toward your goals. 


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