So, this last week, I started working on improving my craft in video editing, and graphic design, which led me to this message to you today. It’s about the importance of constantly improving on what you do.

Here are a few reasons why you should be improving your skills, and how to do so

Improving your skills will make you more efficient in the skill, and produce higher quality output with the skill. You always want to be striving for better quality, and efficiency, as this will help you provide a higher value to your clientele Improving your skills will also help you develop better self-discipline. Sometimes working on a skill is not always fun. If you want to improve your long-distance running ability, you have to do various exercises to build up the endurance. It won’t be as fun as actually going out and competing, but it’s necessary. When I was working on some different graphic design techniques, and some video editing techniques, it wasn’t fun when I struggled through trying to learn. As I began to build that skill, and learn how to do these new things, that’s when it became fun. I could finally put the skill to work. Improving your skills will help you stay competitive. In this day and age, information is everywhere, and everyone has equal access to it. So how do you stay competitive when trade secrets are, well, not so secret anymore? You improve your skill, which as mentioned above, will help you provide better value to your customers.


So, you now know a few reasons why, so HOW do you improve your skills?

The internet is your friend. Figuratively of course. Everything you need to know is on the interwebs. Just go to google, go to YouTube, and search what you’re wanting to improve on, or what you’re wanting to learn. The problem is, that since there is a lot of information, how do you know what information is good? That part takes a bit of personal-judgment, and research. It may be more work, but it’s the best way to learn something new. You have everything you need in the palm of your hands. You could always reach out to someone who is doing what you’re wanting to learn, or improve on and ask questions. Maybe they offer courses, online training programs, YouTube channel, or mentorship. This is a great way to build a network as well. If you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for, and can’t find the right person to give you some quick tips, you may just have to dive in and learn on your own. Nothing wrong with that. I highly advise doing research, or reaching out to someone first though. It can save A LOT of time, and also help you figure out what NOT to do, which is equally important.


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