Are you taking care of yourself?

My good friend Stacy A. Cross, talks about Health, Wealth, and Happiness in her podcast “The Stacy A. Cross Show.” And this inspired me to do something. I’ve been working on improving my health, but have struggled to really focus on that. I eat healthy for a few days, then fall back into the junk. I’m trying to exercise more, but not having healthy eating habits in a way reverses the work you do. It’ll keep you from really progressing.

So I’m challenging myself over the next 3 months to focus on Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Starting in June, I’ll be focusing primarily on eating healthier, and exercising more. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing every day. To build up that habit

When you take care of your body physically, you in turn are taking care of yourself mentally as well. If you eat right, and exercise, you’re going to sleep better, you’re going to have more energy, and you’re going to feel better overall.

My challenge to you, is to look at what you are eating, and how you feel daily, and realize there’s a correlation. If you’re body and mind are feeling drained, if you’re suffering from allergies even more than usual, it’s more than likely a result of your diet.

Improve your physical health, which will help improve your mental health.



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