Have you defined what success means to you? If not, you need to.


Ask yourself, what kind of lifestyle do I want to live?

How much money will it take to live that lifestyle?

What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?


This is all foundational to Success, and this is also the 4th part of the fundamental elements to build the foundation of success.

Here are my mindset actions:

I have defined what success means to mean, and I work towards it every day.


I know that it is my duty, obligation, and responsibility to become successful. Success gives me freedom, and options.


I know that having money is not what makes me successful, money is a tool that helps me achieve the success that I want.

I redefine success, as soon as I reach it. When I reach a goal, I set new, and higher ones.


I never settle for mediocre. I know that I could do more, therefore I do more.


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