The misplacement of energy, and potential is what throws you into places that do not benefit you, and rob you of what you’re capable of. But how do you get out of it? You have to divert your energy elsewhere, because where energy flows, there your life and circumstances go.


First you have to make a decision. A decision to make a change. What’s something positive, beneficial, fulfilling, rewarding, what is that one thing you really want to do deep down inside of your being? This will require some soul searching, some self-awareness, and some testing. Once you start figuring out some ideas of what it is you want to do, you have to start doing, and adjusting.


Once you have that thing figured out, then your energy can fully be poured into it. There won’t be any “free time”, you’ll realize that time isn’t free. Time cost you money whether you doing something with it, or not. You could be building on this idea you have, being productive.  Or you could be binge watching tv which would be wasting your time. You’d be losing time and not having anything to gain. Be warned though, when you start acting on this idea, this thing you want to pour your energy in, you will not see immediate returns on your investment. It’s possible you may not see any. You may have to adjust, recalibrate, and push though difficult times.


If you’re not where you want to be, or at least in the lane you want to be in, and you’re feeling your potential is being wasted, the find ways to divert your energy elsewhere. Even if it’s just on the side of your day job. 



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