Yehudit Silverman is the author of the new book, The Story Within: Myth and Fairy Tale in Therapy. Yehudit posits that everyone of us is creative … that there is an innate calling to respond to the world through some sort of creative medium. Myths, fairy tales, and ancient stories from around the world point to this. They speak of a quest: a journey fraught with obstacles, demons, and monsters.  From Persephone to the Ugly Duckling, the themes and challenges within these stories still speak to us today … and offer inspiration relevant to our own individual “hero’s journey.”

More information about the guest can be found at

Yehudit Silverman is the author of the new book, The Story Within: Myth and Fairy Tale in Therapy. Yehudit posits that everyone of us is creative … that there is an innate calling to respond to the world through some sort of creative medium. Myths, fairy tales, and ancient stories from around the world point to this. They speak of a quest: a journey fraught with obstacles, demons, and monsters.  From Persephone to the Ugly Duckling, the themes and challenges within these stories still speak to us today … and offer inspiration relevant to our own individual “hero’s journey.”

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