Patti Henry is the author of the new book, Two Lifetimes: From Fear to Love. Patti has been a psychotherapist in private practice since 1988, working women’s programs in psychiatric hospitals before that. Her goal then was to empower women, but now she also works to heal emotionally empower men. Her first book, The Emotionally Unavailable  Man: A Blueprint for Healing, addresses men’s issues. She has worked with thousands of couples, families, and individuals over the years.  She believes it’s possible to heal ourselves, heal each other, and heal the world.

More information about the guest can be found at

Patti Henry is the author of the new book, Two Lifetimes: From Fear to Love. Patti has been a psychotherapist in private practice since 1988, working women’s programs in psychiatric hospitals before that. Her goal then was to empower women, but now she also works to heal emotionally empower men. Her first book, The Emotionally Unavailable  Man: A Blueprint for Healing, addresses men’s issues. She has worked with thousands of couples, families, and individuals over the years.  She believes it’s possible to heal ourselves, heal each other, and heal the world.

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