We are going to discuss how to start a podcast in 2021 and tell you about the reasons why having a podcast in 2021 is where you want to be if you've never met us before.

Why would somebody start a podcast in 2021? Doesn't everybody have a podcast these days? That's true. But you should also start the podcast because it's just another way for you to get noticed using the podcast platform, either online, Spotify, Apple Podcast or other people, clients and other photographers can find you and that just grows your network. What's really cool to you about starting a podcast is being able to interview people that perhaps you never thought you would ever be able to talk to you. Imagine being able to interview your idol, which we've been able to do on our podcast more and more than once. Yeah, more than once. It's been so amazing to be able to connect with people on a different level podcast just kind of get you in the door.

If you are somebody who is really passionate about what you do, this is such an amazing tool for you and it's never too late. It's just like starting a YouTube channel or a blog. I think that if you are passionate about what you do, then you definitely need to consider doing a podcast because it's another avenue for your potential clients to get to know you. You never know who's listening, which is the beautiful thing about podcasts.

One of the first things you need to do to start a podcast is to brainstorm what it is, what niche you're going to be going into with the podcast. Anyone that thinks they're going to talk to every single person on their podcast really ends up talking to nobody. Just find one specific thing that you really want to talk about. For example, we use Path To Business and we interview people about their journey from where they started to now being entrepreneurs. We relate to them on certain things because every entrepreneur always goes through the same kind of steps. You start a business and then you get super busy and you start hiring. There's so many things that are relatable between different businesses, and you just need to find the thing that makes you stand out. And if you what you want to do is just give value constantly. You just have to make sure that you're giving the audience or whoever is listening something to keep them interested.

On our podcast, we give little insights and tips on our own business as well. That's the beauty of a podcast or running your own business in general. You can make the rules up as you go. There really is limitless potential or opportunities for you to use your podcast. So if you start doing a season talking about your wedding photography business and then you want to talk a little bit more about just weddings in general.

Niching is really important, but don't feel like you have to pick a specific topic and stick with it forever. I know that that was something that I struggled with. I wanted to be about what I want to talk about. At first it was just me doing the podcast and now I've actually added Luc onto the podcast because I found that we work better together and we were better as a team. It felt more like a chore doing it just by myself than doing it with him. You need to understand that your podcast can grow, it can change and evolve just like your business does.