Previous Episode: 4. Bullying in Business

When you dream about what you want to be when you grow up it can be tricky to completely switch gears, but unrealized transferable skills are what has made Amy Haggerty so successful. I first met Amy in real life at a mom's wine group I organized before I even had kids. We had just moved into a new subdivision and I didn't know anyone. Putting a call out on Facebook was my way of trying to connect with others in the community and it completely worked.

Looking back it's funny that we met this way, but from the very beginning Amy was extremely thoughtful, funny, organized. At the time I didn't quite know how she did it and even now I wonder, but I feel like we've always had this trait in common. Amy was the first to give me some old pregnancy books and she answered all my silly questions about kids and working. Looking up to her was the best thing I could have ever done as she has always been available to me not only in her business, but a friend.

Somethings you just never forget and I swear I could write a funny coincidences book all about how Amy is always available for my many questions. Selling or buying a home is one of the biggest most stressful situations I have ever been in. She would take my texts, calls, emails and somehow make sense of it all. She's a saint!

However, Amy is also a police officer part-time and whenever I have been purchasing or selling, somehow I've needed her police advice also. Unrealized transferable skills are what has made Amy so trusted within the community and in her policing community.

Buy us a coffee and we could tell you the stories, but really what is transferable is that Amy has a super keen sense of people. She can assess a situation faster than anyone and she truly knows the ins and outs of her business. The skills needed for being a police officer and also selling homes is something I would have never thought would make sense. Her situation it's been a huge factor in her success.

If you want to get in touch with Amy and get to know her more, head on over to our show notes page here: