Why Bring a Psychic Medium on a Business Podcast is more about the need to truly understand how we make decisions and take action in our business. The little voice kicks in and we make decisions based on things out of our control at times. Listening to our inner self, our spirit guide, god, these are the higher vibrational universe guiding us on our path. Jennifer Hall joins us and we talk all about that gravitational pull that we inherently have towards the direction we are meant to be going in.

Incorporating spirit is inherent whether we know it or not. Spirituality broadly means relinquishing a certain amount of responsibility for your own life and believing that there is something bigger at play. It is the belief that you are guided at least in part by a higher power. But it doesn’t require you to follow a specific religion, just to be open-minded about life beyond earth.

Sometimes, we don’t even realize we’re following a spiritual path because it’s so engrained in our culture. For instance, the horoscopes we might read in the newspaper on our commute to work and take comfort in, because we’ve been told we’re going to have a great day or that good fortune is coming our way.

For more about this episode, check it out on the show notes page HERE: https://greyloftstudio.ca/why-bring-a-psychic-medium-on-a-business-podcast/