Today we’re around the proverbial fire with Chris Schreiber, a transition specialist and founder at Tributary West. Chris bridges teams, operating processes and tools to meet strategic goals in fast-paced, change-adaptive times. But that's not the half of it.

Chris is also a poet whose writing reflects upon subjects like the emerging economy, social adaptation and human relationship. Most compelling is the intersection of these systems - like a tributary - and how, to Chris, they all come back to a kind of spiritual appreciation of nature.

But what could a poet know about business? Chris spent 30 years collaborating in corporate in global supply chain and tech services for brands like Quicksilver and Roxy. Once that ended, she changed paths to blend her principles, purpose and practical experience to support the success of female-founded small businesses. She now works in the X-space (not to be confused with Space-X): though she too explore the liminal place of the unknown and pure human potential. These skills and this kind of wilderness-mastery mindset are needed dearly in this moment of profound paradigm shift.

Tune in if you're curious about:
* How businesses are adapting in this emerging world/economy
* What does it mean to have "everything you've always wanted but nothing that truly mattered"? And how you renavigate to meaning
* How do you move from point A (an outdated socially-imposed definition of success) to a life that is authentic and holistically meaningful?
* Chris' poetry... enough said (worth the episode - it's the last 10mins if you want just that sweetness)

Way off Trail
I am where no map is...
we are each today
where no map is.
and each day
we are creating a new path,

X is the first letter of my alphabet.
I employ this letter in creating business plans with clients, and all “plans” whenever we are at a spot where the answer isn’t quite clear, the next step not quite known.
It is a placeholder, to create space for what’s to come.
A symbol to make peace with uncertainty. Allow it.
It was something my corporate bosses never understood.
But entrepreneurs understand innately.
And, it seems to me, now is the time to employ it.