Developmental delegation is any time a leader leverages the handing off of responsibility as an opportunity to increase a team member’s confidence, influence, and ability.

At its core, developmental delegation is rooted in 3 fundamental beliefs:

Leadership is a skill.

Action precedes insight.

Decentralization is a worthy goal.

Click to download the growth guide.

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Remember, my strength is not for me; your strength is not for you; our strength is for service.

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Developmental delegation is any time a leader leverages the handing off of responsibility as an opportunity to increase a team member’s confidence, influence, and ability.

At its core, developmental delegation is rooted in 3 fundamental beliefs:

Leadership is a skill.
Action precedes insight.
Decentralization is a worthy goal.

Click to download the growth guide.

Our whole team is rooting for you. We want to see you win!

Remember, my strength is not for me; your strength is not for you; our strength is for service.

Remember to Rate, Review, Subscribe, and Share!

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