This week we chat with Belinda Womack, a former scientist, with dual master degrees in microbiology and environmental science, Belinda was in a lab doing stem cell research when she found herself in the presence of an Archangel calling her to a life of service. She has been working with 12 Archangels (the “big guns”) for the past 25 years to help us listen and heal our wounded inner child, release fears and enact deep subconscious transformation. Her new book offers a powerful guide to open your life to the wisdom and healing of the Angels, and their importance in guiding the planet. The 12 Archangels of the Central Sun of the Universe are all-powerful and all-loving energies that pour forth from the Heart of God. The book shares practices, daily guidance to and guided visualization to access he healing power of the chakras to manifest with the creative imagination. 

Belinda's book, " Lessons from the 12 Archangels, Divine Intervention in Daily Life" is out now and can be found at her website.


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