Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want To Miss: Leadership Development is biblical. While ‘leadership development’ in churches has become a cottage industry over the past 30 years, developing leaders is a task seen in both the Old Testament and New Testament. Leadership Development is rooted in discipleship. In churches, not all discipleship is leadership development. But all leadership development in the church is discipleship. Mentoring is the most simple and sustainable way to develop leaders. Model the work you want others to do. Work alongside of them. Then step aside and let them take on the work themselves.

Developing leaders is the lifeblood of a healthy church. Not only does it keep you from carrying the burden of leadership yourself, you ignite a critical aspect of discipleship for the men and women in your church.

Are You Healthy? Grab Our FREE Assessment And Find Out.

Matt’s conversation with Dan is a reminder that resilience is critical if you want to maintain your spiritual vitality. If you've ever wondered if you're covering your bases and setting yourself up for success, check out this FREE overview and assessment of each of the 'five factors' of healthy leadership.

Links Mentioned In The Episode YOUTUBE - “Eliminating Excuses for Not Developing Leaders” SUBSCRIBE - Mac’s Leadership Development YouTube Channel FOLLOW: Mac on Twitter and Facebook GET HELP - Ask Matt and Tal a Question Five Factors Coaching - Five Factors Facebook Group FOLLOW: Matt ( and Tal (

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