Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want To Miss: Be a hero-maker, not the hero. Invest in the development of men and women who can provide wise counsel to others. This builds a network of counselors with a variety of strengths and levels of expertise. Don’t outsource what your church is capable of handling. While we are strong advocates of outside counsel, a significant part of your network is made up of people inside the church. Wisdom isn’t reserved for Christians. When looking for help from outside counselors/therapists, look for the best help regardless of their professed religion. Would you not consider a world-class brain surgeon because he or she was not a Christian?

It takes a village to help people get healthy and stay healthy. Don’t let your ideals keep people from getting real help.

Use our FREE Guide to discover how to build a counseling network.

Our conversation set up the basics for you. Now build on that awareness and take action. Based on his expertise as a therapist, Tal walks you step-by-step through the process of designing and developing the counseling network your church needs. Download it here!

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