In Episode 3 we’re in conversation with Rev. Dr. Tex Sample, pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in Kansas City. Through personal stories and extensive research, Tex shares insights and actionables related to reaching the white working class.

Tex Sample is the Robert B. And Kathleen Rogers Professor Emeritus of Church and Society at The Saint Paul School of Theology where he taught for 32 years. A freelance lecturer and speaker in North America and overseas, he has published 14 books. His book, Blue Collar Ministry, was named a “Judson Classic” by the Judson Press, and his book U. S. Lifestyles and Mainline Churches was the bestseller for Westminster/John Knox Press for over two years. His most recent book is Working Class Rage, available from Abingdon Press.


Teaching Biblical Patriotism as Pastoral Care: God, Country and Stories of Working Class Pain, Tex Sample for Ministry Matters Community Organizing Bibliography Working Class Rage by Tex Sample