Previous Episode: Profitable Transformation
Next Episode: The Valley of Elah

How many of you want to advance/grow/gain victory/walk in more authority/have more trust placed in you... in the Kingdom of God? Someone said that "as soon you are victorious over one battle, God sets up a more difficult opposition." I questioned that for a while until I considered what was really being said... and I believe it's true. See God HAS ordained your victory, your promotion.God doesn't give victory (or promotion) indiscriminately! God looks for faithfulness, and victory is given to the one who is faithful through the fight! Sure, He gives it graciously, as none of us deserve anything! But He gives promotion, victory, and favor, based on our faithful obedience! This might not be a popular word, but it's Biblical. In the kingdom of God, there is no promotion without devotion. Getting to the next phase of your life victoriously, depends on how faithful you are right now. Who want's a promotion? Who want's a victory?Be faithful with all that God has entrusted to you today... So you can receive all He want's you to gain tomorrow.