Next Episode: Stay On Target

In this message today, I want to encourage you to increase your fellowship with the Holy Spirit! We should manifest the Fruit of the Spirit if we have the Holy Spirit in us. We should also seek to yield ourselves to the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit in us, individually and corporately. The CHURCH is in desperate need of the Holy Spirit's working with in her in this day... The Wind of God blowing through us!) Both gifts and fruit are needed in the Christian, and should rightly be desired. One cannot properly be demonstrated without the other. The Fruit should be more desired I believe than even the gifts, as it's the fruit of the Spirit that associates us with Christ. And it's the Fruit that allows the world to taste and see the goodness of the Lord's character, through us. (He is the vine, we are the branch, the fruit of the Spirit hangs on the branches, but is a product of the vine.) Without the fruit, the gifts would just be a noise. The Holy Spirit is wanting to show the world their sins and to build up the body of Christ. Let's allow The Holy Spirit to lead us in our daily walk and let the Spirit's fruit be evident. Then the gifts will follow.