Previous Episode: Disciple Making

In the message "I Have Opened My Mouth", Pastor Jerry looks at the story of Jepthah in Judges 11:30-40. The name Jepthah (Yip-tach') means "to open". He opened his mouth and caused himself all kinds of trouble. Many of us, men and women, could do well to learn from this story to keep our mouths closed, rather than speaking hastily or carelessly. Jepthah made a vow to God that if he won victory over the Ammonites, that he would sacrifice "whatever" came out of the house to meet him upon his return from war. This sacrifice would so happen to be his daughter. This was NOT the will of God for him to offer his daughter as a sacrifice. Jepthah had...Misplaced priorities, a Misunderstanding of God’s heart, he Misspoke a vow, then he had Misgivings of a very poor decision. Jepthah traded love, for respect. What is advancement worth? In trying to get what he thought would be precious and bring fulfillment, he lost what was most precious to him. Don't do that! Keep what's precious, precious!