"God Is Love" is part three in the series titled "Biblical Concepts That Keep Me Focused". In this message, Pastor Jerry looks at how the love of Jesus Christ needs to be in our lives in order for us to truly be a disciple. Love is the key "identification tool" for disciples of Christ. The word says... ALL will know we are his disciples by our love. This includes other disciples and those in the world. ALL will know (by love)... That's EVERYONE! Clearly a true disciple's witness can not be hidden... because true love in the Body of Christ will be evident. We need to have the AGAPE (unconditional "God like") love in our lives. It cannot be faked. Our level of love (Agape) indicates how well we are connected with God. When I consider the intense, deep, unconditional (reckless) love that God has displayed toward me through Jesus Christ, my faith is strengthened and my love for Him is heightened. I'm challenged to return the same type love to Him, and then as Jesus commanded, to attempt that same love toward my brothers and sisters! Please join me in this!