"The members, congregants, and other participants in the life and ministry of Unfinished Community acknowledge the history of oppression, exclusion, and violence both spiritual and all too physical which rests upon our gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender siblings. In the wider church, and society at large, these beloved children of God have been excluded, rejected, and subject to great and terrible indignity. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we at Unfinished Community welcome and celebrate everyone in all of their authenticity." (Unfinished Community Open and Affirming Statement)

Welcome to the audio recording of our 2023 Pride video. This month, we celebrate the full authenticity of all our LGBTQIA+ siblings by doing something all of us should do more often; having the cisgendered, heterosexual folks step aside for a bit, and let the voices of the community speak their own truths, and tell their own stories.

So please join us as we explore together what it means to be an LGBTQIA+ Christian in a world that is often hostile to this community, and to those who support or ally with them. And remember, all are welcome in God's house.

(And if you'd like to know more about Unfinished Community, please check out the links below. Happy Pride, everyone!)

This video is also available as a podcast at anchor.fm/pastorkuma, or by searching for "Unfinished Community" wherever you get your podcasts; if that's more your thing!

Website: www.unfinisihed.love
Facebook: @UnfinishedKIPC
Instagram/Twitter: @PastorKuma
Discord: https://discord.gg/mJxWv6c