Welcome to Episode 3 our new series on the Gospel , "Back to Basics." Featuring Lindsey Peacock and Pastor Don, this series takes a different approach to the Gospel message, working line-by-line through the text and discussing just what exactly is going on with this sometimes confusing, often-misinterpreted story.   

This week, we settle in for the second half of Mark, Chapter 1, and we spend our time in part one talking about Jesus himself, his education, his background, and how his place as a member of the educated religious leadership connected with his prophetic role, and his role as a more itinerant preacher. Establishment vs. anti-establishmentism, all in the best biblical traditions!  

Of course, the video is just the start of the conversation; let's keep it going over on our Discord server, where we have a specific thread just for talking about what we've learned from "Back to Basics." Join us there to dig even deeper into the text, as we walk together through this wonderful, and occasionally frustrating, text!    

Links to the Discord server and more can be found on our website: http://pastorkuma.wixsite.com/unfinished