Welcome to another wonderful journey Into The Darkness of The Realm of the Spirit of Land of Wilderness and the Realm of The Forever Person. This Is the final part, Part # 6 of So Many Hands, Just So Many Hands, Abraham's Test of Love & Obedience of God and To God.

1. Zoom Pro
2. Pixabay.org - Motion Videos
3. The Authorized King James Bible
4. The Spiritual Gift of Discerning of Spirits

1. Isaiah 61 & 62, The Father's Heart, Desires & Prophetic Words for all of us
2. Genesis 22 : 1 - 18, Written by Moses, An Old Testament Deliverer of Ancient Israel from Egypt
3. 1 John 4 : 1, A Spiritual Tests of the Spirits for Anti-Christ Spirits speaking to you, coming to you and their Voice
4. Hebrews 4 : 12, A Spiritual Circumcision of the Spirit from It's Soul

1. It's Time, the Identity Transformation of Jan and her death and the Rising of Pastor Deborah
2. The Stealing of a little girl's grapes by a Pastor

1. Joshua at Jericho
2. 13 - Boys in a Cave in Thailand
3. The 3 Faces of Eve, with Joann Woodward
4. Spiritual Exorcism Movies

All videos are placed on Agape Love, Love Is Here's global web site at

Also all Audios of the videos are Audio Podcasted out to a Podcast Show which are all accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page.

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here's Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry on the ministry's other Network Channel

1. For Children For All Ages

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Love Pastor Deborah