Welcome to the end of the Year 2022 Reflection Video for you. This Spiritual Teaching Video encourages you To Reflect Back on 2022 and Have You Been A Voice in The Wilderness ?

1. Zoom Pro
2. Pixabay.org, motion videos
3. The Authorized King James Bible

1. Matthew 3 : 1 - 3, Written by Matthew, an early Disciple of Christ Jesus

Each Video is placed on Agape Love, Love Is Here's web site at

Also each Video's Audio is Audio Podcasted out to a Free Podcast Show which are all accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page.

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here's Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry and It's Network of Global YouTube Channels of
1. This one, The Hidden Kingdoms
2. For Children of All Ages
3. The Light of Love

and now a new Channel called Agape Love's War on the social media Platform of RUMBLE. On this social media outlet videos will be about Agape Love's War and the 2 Realms, 2 Worlds and 2 Kingdoms.

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here's Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry and Pastor Deborah on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Love Pastor Deborah