Previous Episode: Wrong Intensions

Believe me,  I understand that some have done some cruel, terrible, disrespectful, and even violating things to us.  And, in essence, they owe us a priceless debt.

Matthew 6 instructs us to pray these words to forgive our debt because I know we don’t often think so; we have offended God with our sins just as deeply as some offended have us.  The prayer continues as we forgive our debtors.

In all honesty, those who have wronged us could never pay a debt large enough to compensate for the internal and external scars they left us with.  

So, hold on to the debt contract. That act of unforgiveness is causing us eternal harm.

There was a man who was in a horrific car accident and was pronounced dead, and for 6 minutes, no pulse, no breath flowed through his body.  When he woke up, he said he saw God and begged God to give him his life back.

God agreed to do so but told him first he wanted to give him a sneak peek into hell.  And he said when he looked into hell, he saw people he knew were god-fearing Christians who led prayer services and those who lived lives serving others.

He asked God, “Why are they in hell?” and God said they could not forgive others, and I cannot renege on my word, so I could not forgive their sins, even though they asked to BE forgiven.

Forgiveness is not to release someone from the wrong they did to you; it’s so that you can be forgiven by God and have access to the Kingdom of God

The word of God is clear: forgive so that God can forgive you if you don’t forgive, He can not  and will not forgive you