In this episode, Natalia, Neil, and Niki discuss the politics and political future of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

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Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show:


·         Speculation about a 2024 presidential run by Governor Ron DeSantis is filling media across the political spectrum. Natalia referred to this POLITICO piece about Trump losing hold on the grass roots and to this New York essay by Jonathan Chait on DeSantis’ relationship to Trumpism. Niki referenced this Reuters report on DeSantis’ foreign policy perspectives. Neil reflected on DeSantis’ popularity in Florida, discussed in this Washington Post essay.



In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History:

·         Natalia discussed Ben Weingarten’s Real Clear Investigations report, “The Problematic Rise of Media Literacy Education.”

·         Neil recommended Jennifer Schuessler’s New York Times article, “For Rare Books Librarians, It’s Gloves Off. Seriously.

·         Niki shared about her CNN column, “Trump’s Visit to Waco is a Provocation of Historic Significance.”

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