In this episode, Niki, Neil, and Natalia discuss the assassination of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the scandal over Representative Katie Hill, and the booing of President Trump at a baseball game.

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Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show: 

ISIS leader Abu al-Baghdadi has been assassinated by United States forces. Niki referred to this piece at The Daily Beast. Neil noted the emergence of viral videos showing a side-by-side comparison of Trump’s announcement of al-Baghdadi’s death and Obama’s announcement about the killing of Osama bin Laden. S. Representative Katie Hill (D-CA) has resigned her position after an alleged sex scandal. Natalia cited this article at about the problematic term “revenge porn.” President Trump was met with boos at a World Series game last week. Neil referred to this history of booing at Natalia recalled the longer history of presidential booing, written up at The Washington Post.


In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History:

Natalia recommended Susan Donaldson James’ ABC News article, “’Practice Babies’: 1 Orphan Raised by 8 Mothers.Neil shared Rachel Wharton and Koren Shadmi’s New York Times illustrated history, “How Did the Diner Menu Get So Long?Niki discussed Grayson Quay’s American Conservative article, “Franco’s Victory Was Necessary, But Ultimately Meaningless.

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