Can private credit transform the future of agriculture and help preserve family farms in an era of financial and environmental challenges?


In this enlightening episode of the Passive Wealth Strategy Show, host Taylor Loht welcomes Chris Rawley, founder of Harvest Returns, for a deep dive into the innovative world of private credit within the agriculture sector. Rawley shares his journey from a Navy captain to revolutionizing agricultural finance, offering insights into the challenges and opportunities facing farmers today. Through discussions on loan structures, investment strategies, and the broader implications for the agricultural industry, this episode sheds light on how private credit is becoming a vital tool for growth and sustainability in farming.


While serving as a career naval officer, Chris Rawley visited dozens of war-torn and poverty stricken countries and began to appreciate the importance of agriculture to every single person on earth. As a professional investor with this new found appreciation, he decided to invest in a farm, but quickly discovered that these types of assets were inaccessible to the average person. The problem drove him to create Harvest Returns in 2016 to democratize investments in agriculture.

[00:00:00 - 00:04:59] The Genesis of Harvest Returns

Introduction to Chris Rawley and Harvest Returns.
The inspiration behind starting Harvest Returns.
Challenges in traditional agricultural financing.
The role of private credit in modern farming.

[00:05:00 - 00:09:59] Navigating the Terrain: Private Credit in Agriculture

Exploring the types of loans and borrowers.
The significance of private credit for farmers.
How Harvest Returns customizes financial solutions.
The impact of regulations on banking and lending.


[00:10:00 - 00:14:59] Risk Management and Investment Strategies

Strategies for managing risks in agricultural investments.
The role of collateral in securing loans.
Insights into the global influence on agricultural markets

[00:15:00 - 00:19:59] The Future of Farming and Finance

The potential for innovation in the agricultural sector.
Challenges of consolidation in farming.
The importance of sustainable investment practices.


[00:20:00 - 00:23:59] Reflections and Insights

The value of continuous movement and innovation.
Lessons from Elon Musk's approach to entrepreneurship.
The critical role of resilience in personal and professional life.
Book recommendation: Elon Musk
Who inspires Chris: Elon Musk




"We're a platform we started... to give people access to investments in farming and ranching and agriculture." - Chris Rawley


"Keep moving, and if you're not moving, you're dying... it's, it's, you know, in your business, in your personal relationships in your investing career, you, you gotta, you gotta be moving forward." - Chris Rawley


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