Why has value-add multifamily investing in tertiary markets provided scalable opportunities for real estate entrepreneurs like George?


Summary: Former data scientist George Roberts shares key lessons from his journey transitioning from single family to becoming a full-time multifamily syndicator. Topics discussed include leveraging virtual assistants, investing in tertiary markets, assessing economic fundamentals, smaller multifamily deals, vetting potential partners, and going "all in" as an entrepreneur.


When he is not running one of his active investments, you can find George hosting 

“The Foundery – Where Leaders are Forged Daily!” a podcast devoted to the role that entrepreneurship, leadership, and mindset play in success in the commercial real estate space. He also hosts the weekly “CRE Network at Noon Eastern” Zoom meetup for investors and other commercial real estate players every Wednesday at noon Eastern.


[00:02:00-00:04:00] From Single Family to Multifamily Syndicator


George started with single-family investing while working in tech, then made a strategic shift into multifamily to invest at scale.
He immediately hired a virtual assistant agency to build efficient systems and processes.
George focused on passive multifamily investing so he could keep his full-time job initially.


[00:04:00-00:07:00] Virtual Assistants Enable Lifestyle and Growth


Instead of writing SOPs, George records videos of processes for the VA to follow. This saves massive time.
The VA handles podcast editing and other tasks, freeing up George's time for higher priorities.


George encourages his VAs to improve their expertise in areas like video editing continually.


[00:07:00-00:10:00] Investing in Tertiary Markets


George targets smaller tertiary markets with economic upside and migration patterns.
He can find below market value deals from mom-and-pop operators in these markets.
Less competition allows for negotiating attractive purchase terms.


[00:10:00-00:13:00] Assessing Fundamentals of Tertiary Markets


George analyzes positive demographic and migration trends pointing to growth.
He also examines indicators like transportation access and development.
Favorable supply/demand dynamics are key.


[00:13:00-00:17:00] Smaller Multifamily Deals Offer Advantages


Deals from 20-80 units have less competition from institutional players.
This allows for finding off-market opportunities and negotiating attractive terms.
Smaller deals provide flexibility if the market shifts.
Book recommendation: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
What inspires George?: Adventure!




"When things go wrong, if you're, you have a little less leverage versus the amount of money that you could have put on the side for that rainy day. How long do you get to survive? It's huge" - George Roberts 


Connect with George:





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