After a successful technology career in Silicon Valley, Sean O'Toole purchased and flipped over 150 residential and commercial properties. He exited the market in 2006, right before the credit bubble burst.  Combining his technology and real estate experience, Sean launched ForeclosureRadar in 2007. ForeclosureRadar was quickly recognized as the nation’s best foreclosure information source, growing to help tens of thousands of real estate professionals prosper in an otherwise devastating market.  In 2013, Sean launched PropertyRadar, expanding beyond foreclosures to create a property data and owner information platform that powers thousands of investors, real estate professionals, home service and other property-centric businesses. More than just a data company, PropertyRadar levels the playing field by giving small businesses the same opportunities found in public records that big businesses have long enjoyed.

[00:01 - 05:38] Opening Segment

Get to know Sean O'Toole
A 90s Silicon Valley Tech Guy
What PropertyRadar is all about


[05:39 - 24:06] Finding More Off Market Deals

Public Records Systems and Building a Company
Sean talks about handling and acquiring different types of data
Image Processing Software and Incestuous Markets
Relevant Data Points You Have to Know to Find Off Market Deals
The Absentee Owner List and The Vacant List
The Best Way to Get that Next Step
Make Multiple Impressions
Those who do it the right way and those who spray and pray


[24:07 - 33:28] Making Sure Your Off Market Deal Contacts Come Through

Going the Multimedia Online Way
What is Co-Registration?
How An Honest Genuine Letter Goes a Long Way
The Five D’s of Foreclosures
What about the bank?


[33:29 - 45:48] Closing Segment

Quick break for our sponsors
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What is the best investment you've ever made other than your education?
His own residence 

Sean’s worst investment
Deals that he did not have personal knowledge about, like a multifamily deal

What is the most important lesson that you've learned in business and investing?
“All opportunity comes from change.”

Connect with my guest. See the links below.


Tweetable Quotes:

“What really actually mattered was having the right message for the right person.” - Sean O'Toole

“Impressions build trust.” - Sean O'Toole

“The most important valuable thing you have to invest is your time.” - Sean O'Toole


Connect with Sean O'Toole through [email protected], Twitter and LinkedIn.  Visit their website Be a part of PropertyRadar Community.


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