Ryan is a double graduate of Wake Forest University with an undergrad in Psychology & Statistics and an MBA. He is a self-made real estate entrepreneur who owns and operates 20 Mobile Home Parks spanning ~1,795 units. But here's the thing: He started with nothing. No money. No experience. No network. He was a 20 something with way more student loan debt than actual capital to invest in deals. He's just a normal dude. The only thing that makes him different is that he refused to quit. And he was willing to sacrifice, and take bold action. He found creative ways to make money while he scaled his business up. He was stuck in Corporate America. He escaped. And he wants to help others too.


[00:01 - 09:29] Opening Segment

Ryan shares his ‘not so sexy’ passive investing background and experience
Why Ryan uses the products he sells
Like a three-legged stool: all or nothing


[09:30 - 14:24] Reinvesting to Grow

Ryan talks about reinvestingReinvesting over 75% 
You have to outsource smart

The Cheapest Capital and Most Multiplier
The Best Thing About the United States


[14:25 - 25:45] Becoming FI with Mobile Home Parks in Your 30s...Then What?

Why Do You Listen to Other People?
Capital Preservation versus Growth
You Can’t Multiply Nothing
Why the Opportunity is in Those that People Do not Want to Buy
The Right Time to Preserve


[25:46 - 42:36] Closing Segment

Quick break for our sponsorsGroundfloor offers short-term, high-yield real estate debt investments to the general public. Check www.passivewealthstrategy.com/groundfloor/ to get started.

What is the best investment you've ever made other than your education?Countryside Mobile Home Park

Ryan’s worst investmentThe first home he ever bought

What is the most important lesson that you've learned in business and investing?“Know yourself.”

Connect with my guest. See the links below.


Resources Mentioned:

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Tweetable Quotes:

“I want to consume the products that I am selling.” - Ryan Narus

“What’s another million bucks?  Is it going to give me more time with my son?” - Ryan Narus

“There’s nothing you can do to pay you enough, to keep you interested enough or long enough to give you that longevity.” - Ryan Narus


Connect with Ryan Narus through LinkedIn. Listen to his podcast Mobile Home Parks In Real Life.  Check out his websites http://www.archimedesgrp.com/ and https://mobilehomeparkmentors.com/

Invest passively in multiple commercial real estate assets such as apartments, self storage, medical facilities, hotels and more through https://www.passivewealthstrategy.com/crowdstreet/

Participate directly in real estate investment loans on a fractional basis. Go to www.passivewealthstrategy.com/groundfloor/ and get ready to invest on your own terms. 

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