How can small business owners find financial peace of mind while still pursuing entrepreneurial ventures?


In this episode, Amanda Neely shares her journey from coffee shop owner to certified financial planner. She offers insights on achieving financial stability for small business owners, securing flexibility and work-life balance as an entrepreneur, and discovering fulfillment by serving others. Her story is a proof of resilience, strategic planning, and the importance of building a supportive community around your entrepreneurial ventures.


[00:00 - 13:57] Rethinking the professional path 

Analyzing where you are on your journey and where you would like to go. 
Breaking points and decision making.
Following a timeline and a financial plan. 
Taking advice from a mentor. 


[13:58 - 16:44] Redefining Financial Freedom 

Defines financial freedom not by money but by impact through mentoring others.
Focuses first on family and community, knowing the money will follow.
Sets guardrails so she can give value without giving everything away.


[16:45 - 19:42] Getting out of risk of bankruptcy

Switched from paying down debt to saving into an emergency fund policy.
Used policy loans rather than savings to pay off debt all at once.
Became "own source of financing" with more control.


[19:43 - 25:27] Crafting Routine for Both Business and Family

Uses daily anchors like cooking dinner to transition from work mode.
Finding support with her husband to balance work and family time.




"You've got to do it with a team. You can't do it on your own." - Amanda Neely


"Financial freedom for me is... about the impact, how my time is being used." - Amanda Neely



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