Tania Mirchandani is the Vice President of Capital Markets at Clear Capital. She worked in wealth management for nearly 15 years at Goldman Sachs. She has been involved in multifamily real estate management, operations and acquisitions for 5 years and she joined Clear Capital at the beginning of this year. In this episode, Tania talks about the importance of trust and confidence in a sponsor, the different information needs that individual investors have and some important deal metrics to analyze when reviewing a deal.

Tania talks about the illiquidity of syndication investments and the importance of general partners investing in their own deals.

Tania explains the importance of trust and confidence in people you are investing with and how that trust can be transferred through referrals and word of mouth.  She also talks about different investors and their needs for depth of information when they are reviewing deals. She encourages everyone to figure out how they want to pursue an investment opportunity and to get comfortable with whatever level of information they need before investing.

Tania mentions some of the metrics that are important to her when analyzing a deal.


Podcasts she recommends:

Focus On Facts 

Super Soul 


To connect with Tania go to www.clearcapllc.com or email her at [email protected].


If you would like to contact Jim Pfeifer, you can email him at [email protected] or if you would like to find out more about Left Field Investors go to www.leftfieldinvestors.com


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